What I Do
Currently, I serve with YWAM Marine Reach in New Zealand! As a member of their training staff, I get the opportunity to actively disciple young people and pour into the next generation of the Church. Starting in October 2023 to March 2024 I’ll be staffing my first Discipleship Training School (DTS). These 5-month programs are designed to build up youth in their walk with God and to help equip them to share the Good News of Jesus with others.
There are two phases to every DTS: the 3-month lecture phase and the 2-month outreach phase. The lecture phase is a transformational period where students grow in their relationship with God, learn how to live in community with others, and explore various topics relating to holding a Biblical worldview. The outreach phase is all about learning how to share God’s love with others, usually in a cross-cultural missions context.
I began my DTS in October 2022, with an outreach in the Philippines. During my DTS I felt drawn to staffing future schools, but asked God for a clear confirmation. Specifically, I prayed that I would be asked to join the staff if that was the direction God wanted me to take. When my mentor asked me if I would pray about staffing, I immediately recognized it as the confirmation I had been praying for.
In particular, I’ll be starting by staffing the Pilgrimage DTS. This unique DTS program weaves intense trekking into the outreach phase, with teachings on the themes of pilgrimage found throughout the Bible. During the outreach phase, there is also the possibility of using trekking skills to reach remote communities.
After staffing the DTS, I’ll likely begin staffing a Discipleship Bible School (DBS). These intense, 3-month schools take students cover-to-cover through the Bible, with daily lectures and small group discussions to bring you further into what you’re reading. I completed my own DBS in early 2023 and can’t wait to walk with others as they explore the Bible at a deeper level.
The opportunity to actively disciple young people, lead missions teams, and build up the next generation of the Church is something that I’m incredibly excited about. If you would like to follow the adventure, check out my missions newsletter. If you would like to partner with me on this journey, please check out how you can support me.